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UCL Public Anthropology Student Showcase (Expanded Realities)

Join students from UCL’s Centre for Public Anthropology’s audio and immersive postgraduate programmes for a sharing and celebration of their recent work. This afternoon will include a performance by students on the Designing Audio Experiences: Art, Science & Production (MA) programme who will be presenting two site-specific collaborative performances using live spatial (immersive) audio and an exhibition of selected VR projects and audio documentaries created by students on the Immersive Factual Storytelling (MA) and Audio Storytelling for Radio and Podcast (MA). Find out more about each event and book free tickets below:


The exhibition of VR and audio documentaries will run from 1-4pm and requires free tickets which can be booked here.

The audio documentaries featured in the exhibition are:

A Recipe for Recovery

Anna De Wolff Evans | 2024 | UK | 15′ | Audio

A Recipe for Recovery follows a mother and daughter rediscovering the sweetness of life post-cancer through the simple act of making jam. Each step of the recipe becomes a metaphor for the complexities around recovery as a process and returning to ‘normal life’ after a traumatic disruption. The piece is a celebration of the healing power of ordinary, daily routines.


National Language of Nowhere

Naomi Bloomstein | 2024 | UK | 15′ | Audio

A few years ago, Yiddish was placed on the UNESCO list of endangered languages. This Charles Parker Prize-winning personal story looks at this extraordinary 1000-year-old language to try and understand what it means to a people and whether that meaning is inherently passed on through the generations of my own family.



Chantal Romain | 2024 | UK | 11′ | Audio

A Charles Parker Prize nominated audio piece which explores the change in relationship between a grandfather and granddaughter against an everchanging East London backdrop.


More information on the VR projects will be available soon.


The performance of spatial audio will take place between 3-4:30pm and free tickets can be booked here.

The immersive audio projects that will be performed in the event are:


Amanda Butterworth, Diego Ramos Gutierrez and Mikolaj Tchorzewski | 2024 | UK

Based on the musical motif of a conversation the performers will converse with one another and interface with technology to find a common language. Working with Max MSP the artists have created a 3-dimensional space with its own set of rules. These boundaries serve as a container to facilitate patterns of call and response between voice, guitar, field recordings and processed sounds.

Liu Yao

Lin Lin, Xiqing Xiang, Sunhui Zhou, Yizheng Zhu | 2024 | UK

“Liu Yao” is an immersive audio-visual experience project inspired by “I Ching“, China’s oldest philosophical classics. Drawing from the myriad changes between heaven and earth, it aims to enable people to listen to nature, ponder the laws of the world, and ultimately find their own answers. The project will utilize digital workstations that combine video and audio, employing MaxMSP to create an immersive spatial experience. This transforms traditional texts into sounds and images, allowing participants to bridge the language barrier and directly engage with ancient divinatory culture through auditory and visual design.