Event has passed

BFI Doc Society Drop-In

The BFI Doc Society team will be taking over our Festival Hub Lounge to host an afternoon of one-to-one surgeries alongside other experts in the field. Documentary producers can book a slot to get advice and feedback on a range of issues: from commissioning opportunities and funding to festival strategy and sustainability. The surgeries will be followed by our networking happy hour so if you haven’t managed to book a slot, please do drop in to the drinks.

Jessica Edwards (Director of Impact and Partnerships, Doc Society)
You can ask Jessica about: keeping your doc project and yourself Safe + Secure, impact filmmaking and general funding questions.

Oliver Rivers (Doc Society Managing Director)
You can ask Oliver: general funding questions, finance mysteries and contracts.

Lisa Marie Russo (BFI Doc Society Fund Executive)
You can ask Lisa Marie about: BFI Doc Society Funding, our support activity and any producing conundrums.

Hannah Bush Bailey (BFI Doc Society Fund Production Manager)
You can ask Hannah about: BFI Doc Society funding and our support activity, production questions like scheduling, contracts and budgets.

Christine Howard (BFI Doc Society Fund Business Affairs Manager)
You can ask Christine about: Informal legal and business affairs advice, production and distribution contracts

Patrick Hurley (Director of Marketplace and Talent, Sheffield Doc/Fest)
You can ask Patrick about how he facilitates and nurtures new documentary work through Sheffield Doc/Fest’s marketplace and talent programme. He also knows a thing or ten about distribution.

Christo Hird (Founder, Dartmouth Films)
Christopher Hird is the founder of Dartmouth Films, catch line: documentaries from dream to screen. So ask him about anything in that time and activity span.

Harriet Williams + John Knowles (BFI Young Audience Content Fund)
Talk to Harriet and John If you’re working on a film or content that  entertains, informs and reflects the experiences of children and young people growing up in the UK today.

Gavin Humphries (Managing Editor, NOWNESS)
You can ask Gavin about the bold non-fiction work that NOWNESS commission and how they work a broad range of talent. Gavin is also an experienced producer and can lend an ear to any current challenges you might want to chew over.

Margherita Modeo +  Chantel Burell (BFI Certification Unit)
Producers! This is a really great opportunity to ask the BFI all your questions about qualifying for the UK tax credit.