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Director Dora Maurer, Year 1982, Country Hungary, Duration 53, Format 16mm (digital transfer), Audio Hungarian spoken, English subtitles,

Hétpróba (Seven Trials) is an intimate portrayal of an opera singer and her four teenage children. Guided by Maurer’s off-screen voice, each family member responds to a series of playful challenges, through which hidden, private tragedies are revealed. Although they appear individually in front of the camera for most of the film, Maurer employs a range of cinematic strategies as footage of each family member is dissected, repeated, reframed, halted, multiplied, and distorted through superimposition. Rarely screened, the film was digitised and translated by the National Hungarian Film Archive in 2021. 

Followed by a Q&A with curator and academic Lina Dz̆uverović.
Presented in collaboration with Tate Modern and with thanks to the Courtisane Festival.