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Approaching Landscape

The subject of landscape features extensively in new and historical films at this year’s Open City programme, having been a recurrent concern in the field of moving image. Featuring practitioners and researchers participating in the festival, this panel will draw out resonances and approaches to landscape image-making practices and how they can provide an avenue for exploring a sites history, memories and politics. 

Panellists will include:

Louis Henderson, Filmmaker, Afterthoughts of a Walk on the Naze

Shambhavi Kaul, Filmmaker, Slow Shift

Pablo Alvarez Mesa, Filmmaker, The Soldier’s Lagoon

Raquel Schefer (moderator) is a researcher, a filmmaker, a film curator, and an Associate Professor at the Department of Film and Audiovisual Studies of the Sorbonne Nouvelle University. She holds a PhD in Film Studies from the Sorbonne Nouvelle University, a Master’s in Documentary Cinema from the University of Cinema of Buenos Aires, and a degree in Communication Sciences from NOVA University of Lisbon. Raquel was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles and a postdoctoral FCT fellow at the CEC/University of Lisbon, the IHC/NOVA University of Lisbon and the Department of History of the University of the Western Cape. She is editor-in-chief of the quarterly of theory and history of cinema La Furia Umana.